Module definition of Transformer property decorators.
The Transformer decorators transform a fully read property into
a new, derived property. These transformations occur immediately after
the value has been read.
flowchart TB
subgraph s1[For each properties]
direction TB
PreOperation[__Pre__ property reading operations] --> Condition
click PreOperation "/binspector/modules/PrePost.html" "Documentation for 'Pre' type decorators"
Condition[__Condition__ get the definitive subtype to read based on current state] --> s2
click Condition "/binspector/modules/Condition.html" "Documentation for 'Condtion' type decorators"
subgraph s2[Reading subtype]
Controller[__Controller__ decides when to stop reading the subtype based on a set of arbitrary conditions] --> TypeReading[Read __Relation__ or __Primitive__]
click Controller "/binspector/modules/Controller.html" "Documentation for 'Controller' type decorators"
click TypeReading "/binspector/modules/Primitive.html" "Documentation for 'Primitive' type decorators"
TypeReading --> Controller
s2 --> Transform[__Transform__ the value we read into something else]
click Transform "/binspector/modules/Transformer.html" "Documentation for 'Transformer' type decorators"
Transform --> Validate[__Validate__ the final value]
click Validate "/binspector/modules/Validator.html" "Documentation for 'Validator' type decorators"
Validate --> PostOperation[__Post__ property reading operations]
click PostOperation "/binspector/modules/PrePost.html" "Documentation for 'Post' type decorators"
PostOperation --> A@{ shape: framed-circle, label: "Stop" }
style Transform fill:blue,stroke:#f66,stroke-width:2px,color:#fff,stroke-dasharray: 5 5
flowchart TB
subgraph s1[For each properties]
direction TB
PreOperation[__Pre__ property reading operations] --> Condition
click PreOperation "/binspector/modules/PrePost.html" "Documentation for 'Pre' type decorators"
Condition[__Condition__ get the definitive subtype to read based on current state] --> s2
click Condition "/binspector/modules/Condition.html" "Documentation for 'Condtion' type decorators"
subgraph s2[Reading subtype]
Controller[__Controller__ decides when to stop reading the subtype based on a set of arbitrary conditions] --> TypeReading[Read __Relation__ or __Primitive__]
click Controller "/binspector/modules/Controller.html" "Documentation for 'Controller' type decorators"
click TypeReading "/binspector/modules/Primitive.html" "Documentation for 'Primitive' type decorators"
TypeReading --> Controller
s2 --> Transform[__Transform__ the value we read into something else]
click Transform "/binspector/modules/Transformer.html" "Documentation for 'Transformer' type decorators"
Transform --> Validate[__Validate__ the final value]
click Validate "/binspector/modules/Validator.html" "Documentation for 'Validator' type decorators"
Validate --> PostOperation[__Post__ property reading operations]
click PostOperation "/binspector/modules/PrePost.html" "Documentation for 'Post' type decorators"
PostOperation --> A@{ shape: framed-circle, label: "Stop" }
style Transform fill:blue,stroke:#f66,stroke-width:2px,color:#fff,stroke-dasharray: 5 5
flowchart TB
subgraph s1[For each properties]
direction TB
PreOperation[__Pre__ property reading operations] --> Condition
click PreOperation "/binspector/modules/PrePost.html" "Documentation for 'Pre' type decorators"
Condition[__Condition__ get the definitive subtype to read based on current state] --> s2
click Condition "/binspector/modules/Condition.html" "Documentation for 'Condtion' type decorators"
subgraph s2[Reading subtype]
Controller[__Controller__ decides when to stop reading the subtype based on a set of arbitrary conditions] --> TypeReading[Read __Relation__ or __Primitive__]
click Controller "/binspector/modules/Controller.html" "Documentation for 'Controller' type decorators"
click TypeReading "/binspector/modules/Primitive.html" "Documentation for 'Primitive' type decorators"
TypeReading --> Controller
s2 --> Transform[__Transform__ the value we read into something else]
click Transform "/binspector/modules/Transformer.html" "Documentation for 'Transformer' type decorators"
Transform --> Validate[__Validate__ the final value]
click Validate "/binspector/modules/Validator.html" "Documentation for 'Validator' type decorators"
Validate --> PostOperation[__Post__ property reading operations]
click PostOperation "/binspector/modules/PrePost.html" "Documentation for 'Post' type decorators"
PostOperation --> A@{ shape: framed-circle, label: "Stop" }
style Transform fill:blue,stroke:#f66,stroke-width:2px,color:#fff,stroke-dasharray: 5 5
By default, custom transformers are applied only during the reading phase.
To support binary encoding (writing phase), define an additional transformer
with a ExecutionScope set to OnWrite or OnBoth via
The Transformer category define various decorators to perform
Generic Transformer: Defines custom transformer function using
the Transform decorator.
Predefined Transformer: Defines basic transformation to apply to
the decorated property that already include both read and write transformer
see TransformScale and TransformOffset.
Module definition of Transformer property decorators.
The Transformer decorators transform a fully read property into a new, derived property. These transformations occur immediately after the value has been read.
By default, custom transformers are applied only during the reading phase. To support binary encoding (writing phase), define an additional transformer with a ExecutionScope set to
via TransformerOptions.The Transformer category define various decorators to perform transformation.
Generic Transformer: Defines custom transformer function using the Transform decorator.
Predefined Transformer: Defines basic transformation to apply to the decorated property that already include both read and write transformer see TransformScale and TransformOffset.