Applies the transformer function to the deepest level of a nested array.
For instance if a transformer receive the following nested array as argument:
['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o'],
['w', 'o', 'l', 'd'],
Assuming we have a transformer function that join those inner array into strings:
@Transform(x => x.join(''), ...)
The option { deepTransform: true, each: false }
options must be set to apply
this transformer to each inner arrays.
This option is only available for TransformerExecLevel.PostControllerTransformer.
Applies the transformer function to each element if the value is an array.
This option is only available for TransformerExecLevel.PostControllerTransformer.
Specifies the level at which a transformer function is executed.
The option can either be:
Example of usage
class Protocol {
@Transform(String.fromCharCode, { level: TransformerExecLevel.PrimitiveTranformer })
field: string
Ensures that a relation exists before defining the Transformer decorator.
Specifies whether the transformer function should be executed during the read phase, the write phase, or both.