• @Relation property decorator defines the type of the decorated property. This can be either:

    • A PrimitiveSymbol type, that refers to a type definition that will be processed immediately.
    • A RelationTypeProperty type, that refers to a nested type definition

    Type Parameters

    • This extends object

      The type of the class the decorator is applied to.

    • Target

      The type of the relation

    • Value

      The type of the decorated property.

    • Args extends string


    • Optionalrelation: PrimitiveSymbol | InstantiableObject<Target>

      Defines the property type as either a primitive, a nested type definition, or null in case of an unknown property.

    • Optionalargs: RelationParameters<This, Args>

      Optional arguments passed to the nested type definition.

    Returns DecoratorType<This, Value>

    The property decorator function.

    The most basic usage of the @Relation is to define the primitive type of the decorated property. In the following example a basic format definition is written that defines the data property as an unsigned 8 bit integer.

    class Protocol {
    data: number

    The @Relation decorator can also be used to refer to a nested structure. In the following example the Protocol format definition refers to the Coord definition with the @Relation decorator. This will result in a nested object accessible through the property data.

    class Coord {
    x: number

    y: number

    class Protocol {
    data: number

    It's also possible to use @Relation decorator to pass arguments to the nested object relation.

    class SubProtocol {
    _count: number

    constructor(count: number) {
    this._count = count

    class Protocol {
    count: number

    // Can refer to the argument just with a string
    // to pass multiple arguments you can use comma-separeted references.
    @Relation(SubProtocol, 'count')
    sub: SubProtocol

    // Using function is also possible, the return type needs to be an array.
    @Relation(SubProtocol, (_) => [_.count])
    sub_: SubProtocol

    Even thought it's possible to use the @Relation() decorator without parameters you shouldn't do it yourself. This will be automatically done with the help of Condition decorators.

    RelationAlreadyDefinedError if a relation metadata is found.