Interface RelationTypeProperty<This, Target>

RelationTypeProperty are primitive type that holds information about another binary type definition.

interface RelationTypeProperty<This, Target> {
    args: undefined | (targetInstance: This) => any[];
    id: number;
    metadata: DecoratorMetadataObject;
    name: string;
    propertyName: keyof This;
    relation: InstantiableObject<Target>;
    type: symbol;

Type Parameters

  • This

    The type of the class the decorator is applied to.

  • Target


  • PropertyMetaDescriptor<This>
    • RelationTypeProperty


args: undefined | (targetInstance: This) => any[]

Function that retrieve arguments at runtime.

id: number

Unique ID

metadata: DecoratorMetadataObject

Metadata object to which this decorator is applied.

name: string

Name of the decorator.

propertyName: keyof This

Property name of the object the decorator is applied.

relation: InstantiableObject<Target>

Class definition containing a format definition.

type: symbol

Type symbol