Interface PrimitiveTypeProperty<This>

PrimitiveTypeProperty are primitive type that can be immediately read or written during the binary reading or writing process. Those primitive are the following:

  • u8: Unsigned 8 bit integer
  • u16: Unsigned 16 bit integer
  • u32: Unsigned 32 bit integer
  • u64: Unsigned 64 bit integer
  • i8: Signed 8 bit integer
  • i16: Signed 16 bit integer
  • i32: Signed 32 bit integer
  • i64: Signed 64 bit integer
  • float32: Floating point 32 bit number
  • float64: Floating point 64 bit number
  • char: Character
interface PrimitiveTypeProperty<This> {
    id: number;
    metadata: DecoratorMetadataObject;
    name: string;
    primitive: PrimitiveSymbol;
    propertyName: keyof This;
    type: symbol;

Type Parameters

  • This

    The type of the class the decorator is applied to.


  • PropertyMetaDescriptor<This>
    • PrimitiveTypeProperty


id: number

Unique ID

metadata: DecoratorMetadataObject

Metadata object to which this decorator is applied.

name: string

Name of the decorator.

primitive: PrimitiveSymbol

Property that holds the primitive symbol type.

propertyName: keyof This

Property name of the object the decorator is applied.

type: symbol

Type symbol