• @Post decorator defines a function computed after fully reading or writing the value of the decorated property or class .

    It is typically used for post-processing tasks such as debugging, or to enforce custom constraints that the library cannot handle declaratively.

    Type Parameters

    • This

      The type of the class the decorator is applied to.


    • func: PrePostFunction<This>

      Function that will be executed after the property or class has been fully processed.

    • Optionalopt: Partial<PrePostOptions>

      Optional configution.

    Returns ClassAndPropertyDecoratorType<This>

    The class or property decorator function.

    In the following example, the @Post operator is used to store the value of the property it decorate inside a global variable that will be accessed by other part of the code. Currently, the library does not natively support shared context functionality, this example demonstrates a workaround for achieving similar behavior.

    const GLOBAL_STORAGE = {}

    // After the 'Record' class has been processed key-value will be stored
    // in the 'GLOBAL_STORAGE' variable.
    @Post(_ => { GLOBAL_STORAGE[_.key] = _.value })
    class Record {
    key: string

    value: string

    class SubProtocol {
    constructor (key: string, value: string) {

    class Protocol {
    records: Record

    // Map 'GLOBAL_STORAGE' to a [key, value] array and pass it to the
    // SubProtocol constructor.
    @MapTo(_ => Object.entries(GLOBAL_STORAGE))