• @Endian decorator change the endianness of the decorated property or class. It allows you to control how binary data is serialized or deserialized, based endianness that define the byte order of 16 and 32 bits integers.

    Type Parameters

    • This

      The type of the class the decorator is applied to.


    • endianness: BinaryCursorEndianness | (instance: This) => BinaryCursorEndianness

      The endianness to apply, or a function that return the endianness based on the instance value.

    • Optionalopt: Partial<PrePostOptions>

      Optional configution.

    Returns ClassAndPropertyDecoratorType<This>

    The class or property decorator function.

    Changing Endianness for individual properties

    Use the @Endian decorator over a PrimitiveSymbol property to change it's endianness.

    class Protocol {
    little_endian: number

    big_endian: number

    Changing Endianness for subtypes

    By using the @Endian decorator over a subtype relation property to change the endianness of the entire sub-type

    class SubProtocol {
    foo: number

    bar: number

    class Protocol {
    sub_type: SubProtocol

    Set the endianness of an entire type definition

    It's also possible to apply @Endian decorator on top of a class declaration to change the endianness of all its properties.

    In the following example, the Protocol type definition that include two unsigned 32bits integer: foo and bar, will use big-endian byte order.

    class Protocol {
    foo: number

    bar: number

    Runtime Conditional Endianness:

    If you need to set the endianness dynamically at runtime based on a class property, you can pass a function to the @Endian decorator.

    In the following example, the @Endian decorator uses the value of the _value property passed as an argument of Protocol constructor whether little-endian or big-endian byte order should be applied to the protocol.

    @Endian(_ => _value > 0 ? BinaryCursorEndianness.LittleEndian : BinaryCursorEndianness.BigEndian)
    class Protocol {
    _value: number

    foo: number

    bar: number

    constructor(value: number) {
    this._value = value

    Because of the current architecture of the library, if multiple @Endian that are based on values known at runtime are run in parallel it could potentially mess up the result because they will all populate the 'post' property metadata.