binspector - v1.0.0

🕵️ binspector, your binary file assistant

A truly declarative library for binary file and protocol definition written in typescript. Read & Write binary files based on class definition and decorators directly on your webapp.

class ProtocolHeader {
// Validate magic number
magic: number

// Read the subtype relation multiple time
extension: string

len: number

string_map_offset: number

string_map_size: number

crc: number

enum RecordTypes {
RecordStart = 0x01,
RecordMsg = 0x02,
RecordEnd = 0x03,

class RecordMessage {
message: string

class Record {
id: number

// Typescript enums are supported.
type: RecordTypes

// You can select the subtype that's gonna be {read,written} based on a
// condition
@Choice('type', {
[RecordTypes.RecordMsg]: RecordMessage,
[RecordTypes.RecordStart]: undefined,
[RecordTypes.RecordEnd]: undefined,
data: RecordMessage;

class Protocol {
// Refer to other object as subtype
header: ProtocolHeader

// Refer to properties directly to use dynamic value
records: Record

// Jump to an arbitrary address to continue reading the file
// Here null terminated strings would keep being read until the overall size
// is reached
strings: string[]
  • It's a class ! Write method that will directly handle the binary content from the definition.
  • The binary file definition is re-used for typescript type checking.
  • Extensible. Binary readers based on DSL are hard to extend.
  • Support parsing and serialisation of binary file definition.
  • It works on the browser. You can create binary file decoder and encoder on your webapp frontend without depending on other library on your server.
  • Support the common operation done on binary files.
    • Endianness
    • Matching magic numbers
    • Bit fields and enum
    • Reference other structure
    • Conditions
  • No dependencies

Imagine the following binary file definition.

import { Relation, Uint8, Count } from 'binspector'

class Coord {
x: number

y: number

class Protocol {
len: number

coords: Coord[]
import { binread, BinaryReader } from 'binspector'

const buf = new Uint8Array([0x02, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04]).buffer

binread(new BinaryHeader(buf), Protocol) // => { len: 2, coords: [{ x: 1, y: 2 }, { x: 3, y: 4 }] }
import { binwrite, BinaryWriter } from 'binspector'

const obj = { len: 2, coords: [{ x: 1, y: 2 }, { x: 3, y: 4 }] }

binwrite(new BinaryWriter(), Protocol, obj).buffer() // => [0x02, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04]
> npm install binspector

Generate the documentation with the following command.

> npx typedoc --options typedoc.json